Frequently Asked Questions

1. I don’t live in the Bay Area, can I still work with you?

As long as you live in California, yes!

2. How long will therapy last? How can I schedule an appointment with you?

It depends. After our initial session, the length and duration of future therapy sessions will be explored in detail to determine what schedule would work best given your needs and goals.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with me, you may fill out the contact form on this site, email or call me.

3. How should I prepare for my first session?

Since I am only offering online therapy for now, I recommend that you be in a safe and quiet area prior to joining our session. And of course, please come with any questions you have. I am here to serve and guide you.

4. What should I expect at my first session?

Your first therapy session can feel anxiety-provoking, especially if it is your first time. I validate those feelings and remind everyone that they are NOT alone. My style aims at making all my clients feel comfortable and welcomed---since the first day. I will review some brief intake paperwork with you just to ensure that we have what is needed, then we will jump in getting to know each other and ways that I can specifically support in addressing your well-being and healthier coping skills. You will never feel pressured to talk about something you are not ready for.

5. What if we are not a good fit?

That's OK! I will provide you with resources containing other therapists who may be a fit for you. You deserve to find a therapist that is the right fit!

6. Do you accept insurance?

I do not. Even though going through your insurance can mean less money out of pocket, Insurance companies often times dictate the number of therapy sessions and the type of treatment. They also have access to knowing your progress in therapy and do require a mental health diagnosis, which is permanent on your medical record. This predetermined schedule is not therapeutically helpful especially when you require sessions longer than permitted by your individual carrier.

7. Is everything we talk about confidential?

Psychotherapeutic confidentiality is a cornerstone of treatment. All your sessions with me are strictly confidential. However, California makes certain exceptions and there may be circumstances where I must disclose information. For example, direct disclosures of elder-child-dependent adult abuse or neglect allegations must be reported to the authorities. In the event a report is made, I work with my clients in making the report together. The goal is safety, therefore please do not hesitate to ask me further questions.

8. What forms of payment do you accept for sessions?

I accept cash, check/money order and most credit and atm/debit cards. Please make checks and money orders payable to Inspire Therapy and Consulting. You will have access to a secure client portal where you can also make payments.

9. What do you mean by sliding scale sessions?

Sliding scale sessions are offered at a reduced rate for those experiencing financial hardships. I offer a limited number of sliding scale slots therefore please discuss with me in our initial phone consultation to explore this further if needed. My goal is to make mental health services accessible to my community!

10. What happens if I am experiencing a mental health crisis?

If you are in a mental health and/or medical crisis situation, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. When dialing 911, have you or a loved one request assistance from police officers trained in being able to assist with psychiatric emergencies. I do provide all my clients with crisis contact numbers that they can utilize as well if needing to speak with a trained professional right away.

I understand that situations do come up that don't include an immediate safety concern, therefore if you need to schedule a sudden session, please email me at or you can leave me a voicemail at 669- 250-3992 and I will do my best to accommodate your request, as soon as I can.

11. Will you be providing in person sessions, anytime soon?

That is my goal. It will be on a case by case basis. In person sessions will be offered in the San Jose area, once I resume in person. I will provide updates on this page and will discuss in further detail individually with clients.